The Education & Training Foundation jobs

ETF is a charity dedicated to improving vocational education in the UK, providing advice, resources and qualifications to ensure a high quality of learning and assessment. They help learners access high-quality training to reach their potential.

About The Education & Training Foundation

The Education & Training Foundation (ETF) is a charity dedicated to raising the quality of vocational education in the UK. They work to ensure that everyone involved in the delivery of education and training has the skills, knowledge and understanding to respond to the changing needs of learners and employers. They provide advice, professional development and resources to ensure that everyone involved in the delivery of education and training is equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques. They also manage and coordinate the development of vocational qualifications and ensure that the quality of learning and assessment is consistently of a high standard. With their help, learners are able to access high-quality vocational education and training which develops their skills to help them reach their full potential.

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