Severn Trent Water jobs

Severn Trent Water provides clean drinking water to 8 million people in the Midlands and Mid-Wales, with a focus on efficiency, sustainability and community involvement. The company is dedicated to improving services, and proudly supports local charities and educational programmes.

About Severn Trent Water

Severn Trent Water is a leading UK water and waste water company, providing clean and reliable drinking water to over 8 million people in the Midlands and Mid-Wales. The company works hard to ensure that their customers receive the highest quality of service, with a focus on efficiency and sustainability. Severn Trent Water also has a strong commitment to the environment, and is actively involved in community initiatives, providing educational programmes and supporting local charities. The company is dedicated to improving the water and waste water services for the communities they serve, and is proud to be a part of the communities it serves.

Benefits & Perks

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