15 jobs at North Kent College

Est. 2004, North Kent College provides courses from A-levels to professional and vocational training, as well as Higher Education degrees/diplomas. It offers a safe and supportive environment, with a library, IT suites and sports/leisure activities, dedicated to providing quality education.

About North Kent College

North Kent College is an educational institution located in Gillingham, Kent, UK. Founded in 2004, the college provides students of all ages with the opportunity to gain qualifications and develop their career prospects. The college offers a range of courses from A-levels to professional and vocational training. It also has a highly successful Higher Education provision, with a range of degrees and diplomas available. The college is dedicated to providing a safe and secure learning environment, with all staff committed to providing an inclusive, supportive and inspirational learning experience. Alongside this, the college offers a range of facilities, including a state-of-the-art library, a variety of IT suites and a range of sports and leisure activities. North Kent College is committed to providing the highest quality education to all of its students.

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