Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust jobs

CWP is a healthcare provider in the North West of England, providing mental health, community health and learning disability services, as well as specialist services. They are committed to delivering high quality and safe care, supporting people to live independently, and building partnerships. They offer training and development for staff to become specialists in the relevant fields.

About Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

The Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) is a healthcare provider in the North West of England. It provides mental health services, community health services and learning disability services to people of all ages, as well as specialist services in a range of areas. CWP has a strong commitment to delivering high quality and safe care, supporting people to live as independently as possible, and building strong partnerships with other organisations and local communities. They aim to provide the best possible care and support to enable people to live the life they want. CWP also offers training and development opportunities to staff, including the chance to become a specialist in mental health, community health, or learning disabilities.

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