Job Hunting

Webinar: Essential Job Search Strategies for Landing a Job in the Further Education Sector

April 3, 2023

Table of Contents

Upon learning about the unfortunate news at Qube, many of us in the sector have been making efforts to help those impacted 👊

In the spirit of lending a helping hand, I joined some fellow recruitment leaders to co-host a webinar aimed at assisting those affected with valuable tips and resources.

In the webinar we covered how to maximise Linkedin for your job search, crafting an outstanding CV and how to navigate online job searches effectively.

You can take a look at my slides from the event on this link

I've summarised the event into a handy checklist:

Optimising your use of Linkedin to find a Further Education job

  • Update your LinkedIn profile picture to the “Open to Work” image to make yourself more visible to recruiters and hiring managers.
  • Create a professional banner image for your LinkedIn profile using Canva, which is a free tool that has predefined measurements for LinkedIn banners.
  • Make sure your job title is accurate but also includes relevant keywords that potential employers may be searching for.
  • Include your location on your profile so employers know where you are based if they need face-to-face or hybrid work.
  • Be active on LinkedIn by liking, commenting, sharing and posting content to increase visibility and engagement with potential employers.
  • Connect with current and former colleagues on LinkedIn to boost exposure of your profile.
  • Fill out the “About” section of your profile with meaningful information and use keywords that potential employers may be searching for.
  • Upload media such as your CV to your profile so employers can contact you directly via email, phone or message.
  • Endorse skills on LinkedIn to increase visibility in search results.

Writing a compelling CV in Further Education

  • Ensure contact details are up-to-date and easily accessible on CV.
  • Create a summary of career objectives or experience at the top of CV.
  • Include keywords and phrases associated with experience on CV.
  • Use language that reflects the breadth of capabilities in CV.
  • Tailor CV to each role applied for, highlighting achievements and responsibilities.
  • Celebrate successes in CV to demonstrate value to potential employers.
  • Spend time reflecting and articulating key skills and experience in CV.
  • Amend CV for each role applied for, considering company ethos and values.
  • Reach out to recruiters for advice and guidance before an interview.

Job Searching in Further Education

  • Create a separate email address dedicated to your job search to avoid getting overwhelmed with emails.
  • Make sure your profiles and applications are consistent across all platforms, including Linkedin and your CV.
  • Be diligent with your follow-up and track where you have applied.
  • Ask the same questions at different stages of the process to accurately compare job opportunities.
  • Seek out hiring managers or organisations that you want to work at, even if they do not have a vacancy.
  • Celebrate successes by connecting with people who have found new opportunities and inviting others to join the mix as well.
  • Follow Madeline Mann and Austin Belcac on LinkedIn for great content about job search and landing dream jobs.
  • Be diligent with follow-up and treat job search like a job, avoiding burnout by diarising time for it each day.
  • Leverage contacts, attend events, webinars, and post content related to your specialism on LinkedIn to get noticed by potential employers.


How should you handle the question, what was your last salary level?

Handling the question "What was your last salary level?" can be tricky, especially if you're worried about being underpaid or overpriced in your desired role. Here are some strategies to navigate this question effectively:

  1. Focus on your value: Instead of disclosing a specific number, shift the conversation towards the value you bring to the company and the skills, experience, and expertise you possess that justify a competitive salary.
Example: "In my previous role, I made significant contributions to the organisation, such as [specific accomplishment]. I believe a fair compensation for the value I can provide in this role would be within the range of [desired salary range]."
  1. Research the market: Before the interview, research salary ranges for similar roles in your industry and location. Use this information to provide a well-informed response based on the market. Use our Salary Survey results for more firepower.
Example: "According to my research, the typical salary range for this role in our industry and location is between XX and XX. I think a compensation package within this range would be reasonable, considering my skills and experience."
  1. Be honest, but flexible: If you're comfortable sharing your previous salary, do so, but emphasize that you're open to negotiation based on the responsibilities and expectations of the new role.
Example: "My last salary level was XXX, but I understand that the scope of this role may differ. I'm open to discussing a competitive package based on the responsibilities and potential for growth in this position."
  1. Redirect the question: If you aren't comfortable disclosing your last salary, politely request to postpone the discussion or redirect the conversation to discuss your salary expectations for the new role.
Example: "I prefer to discuss salary expectations only after we have established that I'm the right fit for this position. I assure you that my expectations are flexible and well-aligned with industry standards."

Whichever approach you take, remain confident, and ensure you are well-prepared with your research regarding industry-standard salary ranges for your desired position.

How important are covering letters when applying for jobs in Further Education?

Covering letters can play a significant role when applying for jobs in Further Education. While the importance of covering letters may vary across different sectors or organisations, in Further Education, they provide an opportunity for candidates to showcase their unique strengths, passion for education, and relevance to the specific job requirements. Here's why covering letters can be essential in this sector:

  1. Personalisation: Unlike a CV, a well-crafted covering letter allows you to personalize your application, addressing specific aspects of the job description, the institution's values, and educational philosophy. It demonstrates that you have thoroughly researched the position and the organization.
  2. Demonstrating passion: A covering letter enables you to communicate your passion for Further Education and your enthusiasm for the role. This is your chance to illustrate your dedication to teaching, mentoring, and helping students succeed.
  3. Highlighting transferable skills: The Further Education sector often benefits from professionals with diverse backgrounds and skillsets. A covering letter allows you to emphasize your transferable skills that may not be immediately apparent in a conventional CV.
  4. Clear communication: Drafting a well-written covering letter displays your excellent written communication skills, which are highly valued in the education sector.
  5. Addressing potential gaps or concerns: If there are any gaps in employment, career changes, or other concerns, the covering letter is an opportunity to provide context and explanation for these situations.

Despite the importance of covering letters, some institutions may not require them or have specific guidelines regarding application materials. Therefore, always follow the application instructions provided by the organisation, and if a covering letter is requested, take the opportunity to make your application stand out from the crowd.

How can I highlight ambition on my CV?

Demonstrating ambition on a CV involves showcasing your passion, drive, and commitment to grow professionally. Here are a few ways to effectively convey your ambition:

  1. Personal statement or profile summary: In the opening section of your CV, craft a personal statement or profile summary that highlights your desire to grow, acquire new skills, and strives for excellence in your field.
Example: Highly motivated and passionate professional in the Further Education sector, seeking opportunities to drive innovative educational approaches and accelerate career growth.
  1. Achievements and accomplishments: Emphasise your accomplishments by quantifying your results and showcasing significant project contributions, emphasising how your ambitious nature has led to professional success.
Example: Successfully designed and implemented a new curriculum that increased student engagement by 35% within six months.
  1. Professional development: List any relevant courses, certifications, or workshops you've attended, indicating your commitment to improving your skills and staying up-to-date in your field.
Example: Completed a certified course in 'Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in Further Education' to enhance teaching effectiveness.
  1. Promotions and increased responsibilities: Mention any promotions, new roles, or added responsibilities you've taken on in your career, showcasing your ability to take on challenges and your willingness to grow.
Example: Promoted from Tutor to Senior Tutor within two years, entrusted with the responsibility of leading a team of five educators.
  1. Extracurricular activities: Include any relevant volunteer work, associations, or groups you are a part of outside of your professional experience, demonstrating your passion and motivation to engage with your field beyond work commitments.
Example: Active member of a local education-focused non-profit organization, helping to design and deliver weekend workshops for underserved students.

By integrating these elements into your CV, you can effectively demonstrate your ambition and commitment to excel in your career.


It's super important to be proactive when faced with redundancy due to a company closure. At Bolt Jobs we strive to make your life easier by curating relevant jobs and making it easier to select the best opportunity and employer.

I hope you find this article and the webinar helpful during a difficult time.

Here are a few links to other helpful articles:

Alex Lockey
Director | Bolt Jobs
Founder Alex Lockey is an expert in further education, learning, and skills sector. He leads cost-effective hiring solutions and is known for successful talent placements. Dynamic and driven, Alex seeks innovative solutions to solve sector hiring challenges.