Southampton City Council jobs

Southampton City Council provides housing, education, health, transport, environmental protection and promotes economic growth in the city. It also organises events and activities and works with local groups to ensure access to services. Committed to making Southampton a better place to live and enjoy.

About Southampton City Council

Southampton City Council is the local government authority for the city of Southampton in the UK. It is responsible for providing a wide range of services to the people of Southampton, including housing, education, health, transport and environmental protection. The council also works to promote economic growth, job creation and cultural activities in the city. It works in partnership with local businesses and organisations to ensure that Southampton remains a vibrant and desirable place to live, work and visit. The council also organises a range of events and activities for the community and works with local groups to ensure that everyone can access the services they need. Southampton City Council is committed to making the city a better place to live, work and enjoy.

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